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There are many herbs in nature that contribute to dental care. The most obvious way to protect your teeth and gums is to brush the teeth, however, many people use a mouthwash preparation. Poor oral hygiene can not only give you bad breath, but not protecting your mouth can lead to canker sores, gingivitis and toothache and cavities from dental caries. Of course, this is general knowledge, but when I began compiling some interest links on natural dental health I was most surprised to find many remedies, a lot of sites, which described types of dental health problems along with actual recipes for natural mouthwashes.
I thought that starting with a few links about natural mouthwash would be interesting to everyone.
I have used a couple of these remedies, although I put them together in different ways.
Amazingly, I discovered an article about rinsing gums/teeth with high grade oils. One year I had made St. Johns' Wort Oil (red oil) and had spent twenty minutes massaging my gums with a toothbrush and the beautiful, ruby red St. Johns' oil that I had made at home. The cost of a three years' supply of red oil was pennies. I had picked the flowers from a meadow and the cup of oil was cheap.
Independently, I discovered a wonderful use for this oil, by brushing my teeth with it. Red Oil promotes immune strength among many applications, and I thought about this for my teeth. The result was awesome: after twenty minutes I had a whole orgasm. I was in bliss!! I had not thought about loving and caring for my teeth and , especially, my gums before this.
I have no doubt that this type of intensive care for teeth and gums is safe, since I use St. Johns' Wort in pills and also in apple pies or for tea. Having used this red oil for three years with no side effects, I had only one warning when I posted the St Johns Wort page into my site, and this was that experiments upon white skinned animals had produced photo toxicity, so this might not be good for people who are ancestrally mostly caucasian whites.
"Cut a fresh strawberry in half and rub your teeth and gums with it. Leave on for 15 minutes, then add some warm water and gently brush. This is not only a good cleaner but promotes health of the gums.
Take lemon rind and rub your teeth and gums, massaging your upper gums downward and your lower gums upward. This helps to remove plaque and tartar."
natural recipes for oral hygiene
READ MORE- LINK TO: Mother Earth News
A good mouthwash for canker sores can be made by pouring 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of thyme. Steep for 15 minutes, and it's ready to use.
! For a remedy that will make you feel worse before you feel better, apply a few grains of cayenne pepper to the tooth and gum. As soon as the original smarting stops, the toothache will subside.
Natural Recipes for Canker Sores and Toothache
READ MORE- LINK TO: Mother Earth News Page 2 on Dental Hygiene
Aloe vera gel, a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial healer, can help treat gum inflammation. Apply a small amount of aloe gel to the affected area several times daily.
DIY Natural Tooth Whitener
Homemade Mouthwash Recipe (looks ace!- goldenseal, myrrh, vodka, peppermint)
Serious Antiseptic Homemade Mouthwash
Foods That are Good for Your Teeth
"We tend to think that foods damage our teeth rather than preserve them. But some foods might actually protect your gums and teeth. Here are a few examples:
Cranberries keep bacteria from sticking to your teeth. This is important because bacteria first need to stick to teeth before they can form plaque and cavities.
Pomegranate eases gum inflammation and kills plaque causing bacteria.
Green tea prevents bacteria from eating their preferred food source, sugar, and blocks the growth of plaque-causing bacteria.
Results are mixed, but there is some research showing eating apples may reduce the amount of plaque on teeth."
Authors' note: I felt very self-satisfied as I read the above notes on preserving our teeth. I eat all those foods, and I have a regimen that has helped keep my mouth healthy. I often take this instead of mouthwash, especially before I go to bed: after cleaning my teeth regularly I simply eat a chewable Vitamin C.
Good Oral Health
READ MORE- LINK TO: Good Oral Health Naturally
Propolis is a resin-like material from the buds of poplar and cone-bearing trees. Propolis is rarely available in its pure form. It is usually obtained from beehives and contains bee products. used for cankers, infections caused by bacteria and by by viruses (including flu, H1N1 “swine” flu, and the common cold), can be mixed into antiseptic mouthwash
READ MORE- LINK TO: Web MD: Propolis
_______________________"Our saliva is designed to remineralize our teeth and, in doing so, can continually build our tooth enamel. The catch is that the saliva has to contain a plentiful amount of minerals in order to remineralize our teeth effectively."
Thorough blog on herbs for oral hygiene, with pictures and explanations:
Surprising, "..oil cuts through plaque and removes toxins without disturbing teeth or gums, swish high quality oil in the mouth for 20 minutes.." (I did this- re: St. Johns Wort Oil)
READ MORE- LINK TO: Wellness Mama
Effect of Oil Pulling on Streptococcus mutans count in plaque and saliva using Dentocult SM Strip mutans test: a randomized, controlled, triple-blind study.
READ MORE- LINK TO: 1. Effect of Oil Pulling on Streptococcus mutans count
READ MORE- LINK TO: 2. Effect of oil pulling on plaque induced gingivitis
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