Theobroma cacao l
Cocoa, Chocolate
Beurre de Cacao Cacao Chocolat Chocolat Noir Chocolate Cocoa Bean Cocoa Butter Cocoa Oleum Cocoa Seed Cocoa Semen Cocoa Testae Dark Chocolate Dutch Chocolate Fève de Cacao Graine de Cacao Theobroma Theobroma cacao Theobroma sativum Theobromine Théobromine.
belongs to the genus Theobroma classified under the subfamily Sterculioidea of the mallow family Malvaceae,
The generic name is derived from the Greek for "food of the gods"; from theos, meaning "god," and broma, meaning "food".
The specific name cacao is derived from the native name of the plant in indigenous Mesoamerican languages. The cacao was known as kakaw in Tzeltal, K’iche’ and Classic Maya; kagaw in Sayula Popoluca; and cacahuatl in Nahuatl.
cocoa tree,
Cacao is one of 22 species of Theobroma.
native to the deep tropical regions of Central and South America, also Mexico. Its seeds are used to make cocoa powder and chocolate. The ovoid fruits' pulp is also used to make a refreshing juice.
Containing 50 to 60 seeds per pod, each seed of the cacao has 40–50% fat content, which is well-known as cocoa butter.
Several mixtures of cacao are described in ancient texts; ceremonial,medicinal,or culinary purpose.Mixtures included maize, chili, vanilla and honey.
Cacao was believed to be ground by the Aztecs into a smoking tobacco.
In pre-Columbian Mesoamerican civilizations it has been both a ritual beverage and a major currency system.
ritual ingestion as ritual ingested only by men; believed to be toxic to women and children.
The first Europeans to encounter cacao were Christopher Columbus and his crew in 1502
Cocoa was introduced to the Spanish court in 1544. French plantation developers established cacao plantations in the Caribbean due to a high demand for the beverage, while Spain developed cacao plantations in their Philippine colony. |
phenolic phytochemicals
Flavonoids called procyanids
stearic acid
cocoa butter (cosmetics,moisturizing creams and soaps,chocolate making),
Animal feed from cocoa husk
cocoa pulp juice (sweatings)
used for soft drinks or alcohol
Cocoa pod husk ash is used mainly for soft soap manufacture
Jam and marmalade
Cocoa liquor
cocoa-husk mulch
cancer preventive
blood sugar stability
possible prevention of diabetes
Improves blood flow to brain
helpful for ischaemia
helpful for Reperfusion
reduces cardiac risk
Eases CFS
Raises HDL cholesterol
and lowers LDL cholesterol
inhibits LDL oxidation
ease premenstrual symptoms
Prevents cell damage
Eases a persistent cough
Reduce blood clotting
inhibits platelet adhesion
protects your liver, brain, and heart
detoxifies blood
increase insulin sensitivity
decrease blood pressure
stimulate NO production
significantly reduce the activities of xanthine oxidase and
myeloperoxidase after ethanol-induced oxidative stress.

obesity from over eating?
"Eating cocoa is LIKELY SAFE for most people. Cocoa contains caffeine and related chemicals. Eating large amounts might cause caffeine-related side effects such as nervousness, increased urination, sleeplessness, and a fast heartbeat.
Cocoa can cause allergic skin reactions, constipation, and might trigger migraine headaches. It can also cause digestive complaints including nausea, intestinal discomfort, stomach rumbling, and gas.
Cocoa butter used on the skin appears to be safe for most people. It can, however, cause a rash."
The preceding information has come from: Web MD
LINK TO :Special Precautions & Warnings:
FOR: Pregnancy and breast-feeding, diabetes, GERD, migraine sufferers, pre surgical, IBS, Tachyarrhythmia, Anxiety.
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2004 - 2015